DIY Estate Planning: Have You Really Taken Care of Everything?

DIY estate planning checklist

Just this week I visited a man (let’s call him “Rick”) in the ICU. What started out as a nice spring motorcycle ride with his buddies, turned into a life-threatening accident when Rick suddenly lost control of his bike. He was rushed to the nearest trauma hospital and after a few surgeries, he woke up…


Estate Planning at the Holidays?

Every year the Holiday Season seems to start the day after Halloween, to some even earlier! Many companies still have a remote workforce which means holiday travel has stretched out before and after key days like Thanksgiving and Christmas in a way we have never seen before. We are focused on Black Friday shopping thanks…


Estate Planning Basics for New Parents

Estate planning for new parents

You’re a Mom & Dad. What Now? Congratulations! You have experienced one of life’s true miracles! You have had a baby! It IS amazing, but with ALL of the little details that are so important in the here and now, thinking of your son or daughter’s longterm future is probably not top of mind.  …


Using a Tailored Living Trust to Protect Family

using a tailored living trust to protect your family

A few customized estate planning clauses in your Tailored Living Trust can mean all the difference for your future beneficiaries.   Though it is safe to say we all have our own battles to fight, some may struggle with bigger ones than others. And those folks may be part of your family, either by blood…


Did You Know: Beneficiary Forms Override Estate Planning Docs

Beneficiary forms override estate planning documents

Did you know that any beneficiary forms you sign with a bank or other institution will override your carefully thought out, perfectly crafted estate planning docs? Generally, most companies have a benefit renewal period every 6-12 months. MANY start this process in November. But whether you do it at work, with your financial planner or…


Seiter Law Featured in The Suit!

I was proud to see my firm highlighted in an article in the most recent issue of The Suit magazine!  The article, “Ensuring Estate Planning Documents Are Close At Hand” explains how important it is to have your estate planning documents done right and in a place that your successor trustees can find it. You…