Funeral Planning Costs Less in Arizona

Sadly, it is not uncommon to see pleas for help with funeral costs in our social media feeds and on local news these days. Funerals can be very expensive and it is not a planned cost. It is also asking for a decision (and rightly so) during a highly emotional time as well. Sometimes choices…


Thinking of Becoming an Organ Donor?

organ donation for kids

Thousands of Arizona residents are currently waiting for donated organs, so the need is great. If you are interested in donating, here are the steps you can take: Join approximately 3.3 million on Donate Life Arizona and Register. The site is not only a wealth of information, but you can register so that in the…


5 Ways to Stop Unwanted Contact After a Family Member Dies

A couple of weeks ago, I read a post about a handful of Facebook Friends who had lost spouses and had contact by phone and email for sales offers in their spouses’ names recently. The comments told a tale of companies who had been told repeatedly to remove the decedents name from the list and…


4 Reasons: Estate Planning is a Final Act of Love

estate planning is an act of love

Very recently, a close friend’s wife lost her Father. Though his health was not the best, his decline was rapid and unexpected. The family, particularly her Mother, struggled to make choices that honored him, their culture and other family members’ suggestions. To put it plainly, it was chaotic, stressful and unsettling. With Valentine’s Day approaching…


In Memoriam … How Hollywood is Motivating People to Plan

Each year a newspaper or magazine reminds us of all the celebrities who passed away. I mention it not to put a damper on a New Year full of hope and promise. Really, it is a good way for me to illustrate estate planning trials and tribulations for clients and would-be clients. Take for example…