Estate Plan: Party of One

Seiter estate planning for singles

Estate Plan: Party of One We often hear how hard it is for clients to choose from various family members to execute an estate plan, but what if you are single and without children (at least nearby)? “About 35.4 million Americans lived alone in 2016, comprising 28.1 percent of all U.S. households, according to the…


Three Documents Your 18-Year-Old Needs, 2021 Edition

when your child turns 18 they need these documents

Here in Arizona, as kids turn 18, they are considered adults and parents don’t have the same legal authority to make choices for them any longer. If your 18 year old is temporarily or permanently unable to make choices (due to an illness or injury), no one would be able to intervene in medical or…


4 Reasons: Estate Planning is a Final Act of Love

estate planning is an act of love

Very recently, a close friend’s wife lost her Father. Though his health was not the best, his decline was rapid and unexpected. The family, particularly her Mother, struggled to make choices that honored him, their culture and other family members’ suggestions. To put it plainly, it was chaotic, stressful and unsettling. With Valentine’s Day approaching…


Using a Tailored Living Trust to Protect Family

using a tailored living trust to protect your family

A few customized estate planning clauses in your Tailored Living Trust can mean all the difference for your future beneficiaries.   Though it is safe to say we all have our own battles to fight, some may struggle with bigger ones than others. And those folks may be part of your family, either by blood…