Posts Tagged ‘family estate planning’
Estate Planning Helps Protect Loved Ones with Mental Health Struggles
It’s important for individuals with mental health issues to work closely with experienced estate planning attorneys and mental health professionals who can provide guidance on creating a plan that addresses their unique needs and circumstances.
READ MORE →Granddaughter Now Sole Custodian of Elvis’ Legacy
It’s another cautionary tale illustrating why talking with your family about your wishes and making sure you work with an estate planning attorney to be sure they are properly executed is important.
READ MORE →Does Arizona Recognize Handwritten Wills?
In Arizona, a handwritten will, also known as a holographic will, can be considered valid under certain conditions.
READ MORE →Money Magazine: Being There for your Partner Beyond your Lifetime
As a married couple, you have a responsibility to imagine the unthinkable with your spouse. It takes trust to talk about death with someone and relationships deepen as trust is granted.
READ MORE →Happy Mother’s Day: Celebrate, then Plan
You’ve made brunch reservations and bought flowers. The kids have made a special card and you bought her favorite perfume or other special gift. Mother’s Day is special because Moms are special. What would we do without them? What would we do without them? Whether they have been Moms for 1 year or 41 years, their…
READ MORE →Three Documents Your 18-Year-Old Needs, 2021 Edition
Here in Arizona, as kids turn 18, they are considered adults and parents don’t have the same legal authority to make choices for them any longer. If your 18 year old is temporarily or permanently unable to make choices (due to an illness or injury), no one would be able to intervene in medical or…
READ MORE →4 Reasons: Estate Planning is a Final Act of Love
Very recently, a close friend’s wife lost her Father. Though his health was not the best, his decline was rapid and unexpected. The family, particularly her Mother, struggled to make choices that honored him, their culture and other family members’ suggestions. To put it plainly, it was chaotic, stressful and unsettling. With Valentine’s Day approaching…
READ MORE →How Detailed Should Your Family be with Estate Planning Communication?
Q: Should you reveal your exact plans for your estate and your holdings? A lot has been made lately in news articles and studies that suggest better communication between family members is very important when it comes to end-of-life arrangements and estate plans. But there is a disagreement about how detailed the communication should be between family…
READ MORE →Part 2: Death Abroad – What to Do if the Unthinkable Occurs
“PART 2: What to Do in the Event of the Unthinkable,” explains what to do if you are abroad and need assistance because of a death. In Part 1 of this post on Being Prepared to Travel Abroad, we discussed how travel is becoming more typical and how unusual it is for deaths to occur abroad.…
READ MORE →Part 1: Death Abroad – Preparing Ahead to Simplify an Already Stressful Process
“PART 1: What to Do to Prepare for Travel in Case of a Death Abroad” is information to simplify what might be a stressful, upsetting process for those who will be tasked with making arrangements during such a difficult time. We work hard – and more and more these days we reward our families and…
READ MORE →Estate Planning at the Holidays?
Every year the Holiday Season seems to start the day after Halloween, to some even earlier! Many companies still have a remote workforce which means holiday travel has stretched out before and after key days like Thanksgiving and Christmas in a way we have never seen before. We are focused on Black Friday shopping thanks…