Protecting Beneficiaries with a Third Party Trust

third party trust and mental illness

We are seeing more and more that our nation is struggling with mental illness with the acknowledgment of maternal mental health issues and climbing suicide rates for all ages.  In 2020, “more than 87,000 Americans died of drug overdoses over the 12-month period that ended in September, according to preliminary federal data, eclipsing the toll…


Why Advance Directives are Essential: NHDD

Next week (Tuesday the 16th) is National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD). Why is such a day necessary or even important you might be thinking? According to a 2003 article by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Study: Less than 50 percent of the severely or terminally ill patients studied had an advance directive in their medical…


Estate Documents in the Cloud

So, if you visited me and created one or more of the following documents, I have some good news. The state of Arizona helps you store these documents safely and at no charge. Save These Arizona Advance Directives Online AND for Free: Medical/Health Care Power of Attorney Mental Health Care Power of Attorney Living Will…


The Law of Unintended Consequences

Just before the holidays we shared a post about Muhammad Ali’s son from online source The report claimed he “is ‘penniless’ and ‘has no plans for Christmas’ except looking for odd jobs.” The article went on to explain that the late heavyweight champion’s son had expected to inherit $5 million after the boxing legend…


New Year’s Resolution: Update your Estate Plan

Happy New Year! We are just a week in and many of us have started our New Year’s Resolutions. Number One on the list seems to be to get healthier and number two seems to be more organized. May I add a third?  If you’ve invested in an estate plan for your family, this is…


Blended Families Require Different Estate Planning Tactics

With Thanksgiving this week, I thought we’d post our blog early. This also seemed like a good time to discuss family, especially blended families which are becoming more and more common these days. According to the American Psychological Association, 40-50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages…


Privacy Matters: Wills Vs. Living Trusts

Wills Vs. Living Trusts. The terms are used interchangeably but are they really the same thing? The quick answer is definitely not. One affords more privacy in the long run than the other. Most of us are not celebrities, but we may for one reason or another want to keep our private matters private, even…


Estate Plan: Party of One

Seiter estate planning for singles

Estate Plan: Party of One We often hear how hard it is for clients to choose from various family members to execute an estate plan, but what if you are single and without children (at least nearby)? “About 35.4 million Americans lived alone in 2016, comprising 28.1 percent of all U.S. households, according to the…


Three Documents Your 18-Year-Old Needs, 2021 Edition

when your child turns 18 they need these documents

Here in Arizona, as kids turn 18, they are considered adults and parents don’t have the same legal authority to make choices for them any longer. If your 18 year old is temporarily or permanently unable to make choices (due to an illness or injury), no one would be able to intervene in medical or…