Special Needs
10 Things You Shouldn’t Include in Your Will – And What to Do Instead
This Kiplinger’s article makes some very important points about what to include and what NOT to include and why. It is also another reason why DIY estate planning can cause problems down the road. Read the full article here. When it comes to estate planning, many people are surprised by what should not be included…
READ MORE →Estate Planning Helps Protect Loved Ones with Mental Health Struggles
It’s important for individuals with mental health issues to work closely with experienced estate planning attorneys and mental health professionals who can provide guidance on creating a plan that addresses their unique needs and circumstances.
READ MORE →Breast Cancer & Legacy Planning
It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and thankfully we have made a lot of solid progress towards saving the lives. In general, the prognosis for most women diagnosed with Breast Cancer has improved greatly. Let’s pause and celebrate that, keeping in mind that no one should rest on progress — THE FIGHT CONTINUES. Anyone over the…
READ MORE →Protecting Beneficiaries with a Third Party Trust
We are seeing more and more that our nation is struggling with mental illness with the acknowledgment of maternal mental health issues and climbing suicide rates for all ages. In 2020, “more than 87,000 Americans died of drug overdoses over the 12-month period that ended in September, according to preliminary federal data, eclipsing the toll…
READ MORE →The Law of Unintended Consequences
Just before the holidays we shared a post about Muhammad Ali’s son from online source Meaww.com. The report claimed he “is ‘penniless’ and ‘has no plans for Christmas’ except looking for odd jobs.” The article went on to explain that the late heavyweight champion’s son had expected to inherit $5 million after the boxing legend…
READ MORE →Guest Post: Making Your Home Comfortable for an Elderly Loved One
By Marie Villeza, elderimpact.org Many families these days are making the decision to have an elderly loved one move in with them rather than live in an assisted care facility, but it’s a big change that can affect everyone in the family. It requires quite a bit of planning and can take a toll on…
READ MORE →Guest Post: 9 Helpful Apps for Long-Distance Caregivers
By Marie Villeza, elderimpact.org Along with the aging Baby Boomer population has come a rise in high-tech solutions for managing life in old age. Gone are the days of hiring a home caregiver and hoping for the best; today, children can keep tabs on their parents’ well-being from afar with the help of apps and services…
READ MORE →What is a Special Needs Trust?
If you are the parent of a special needs child, you are no stranger to being an advocate — more likely a warrior —- for your child. This post is to familiarize you with special needs trusts. These trusts are as special as the individuals they are created for because it is done in such a way…
READ MORE →Treasure and Trauma: Estate Planning for Families with Hoarders
Hoarding. You can tune in at least once a week and see some of the worst cases in action on TV. What is hoarding you ask? “An extremely complicated mental disorder that generally involves the acquisition of too many items, difficulty getting rid of items, and problems with organization and prioritization,” writes Hannah R. Buchdahl in a…
READ MORE →Protecting Your Special Needs Child
While many parents become experts at how their health insurance, government benefits and SSI work, they have no knowledge of medical directives and/or living wills and what those plans will do for the care of their special needs kids. Here are some basic guidelines to discuss with your Estate Planner: 1. Have your own…
READ MORE →Using a Tailored Living Trust to Protect Family
A few customized estate planning clauses in your Tailored Living Trust can mean all the difference for your future beneficiaries. Though it is safe to say we all have our own battles to fight, some may struggle with bigger ones than others. And those folks may be part of your family, either by blood…